Tuesday, September 2, 2014

touching up the camera side

since the camera moves to the left, it reveals the side so i decided to add more details (there were alot of tries of the placement of the thing but i didn't managed to save them all. 

final texture i've done in photoshop to put onto the camera.

 added bump

 changed the properties and uv projection accordingly

 for the lens part
final look

learnt how to use the renderfarm today, nurul helped to do the animation and i do the texture accordingly and now i've sent to render, such long waiting progress so yeah.
presentation is on the way and stuff. 
oh, m313 at night some of the computers shut down and can't be switched on so yeah. the files are inside and it can't be switched on so we're doing whatever we can do at the moment before the power is back up going again.

moving onto the shadow of the knife, i did alot of tries and stuff and didn't save it before the computer just somehow logs off by itself, but in the end managed it to get it done. i scaled out the IBL, tried alot of times by moving the use background shader back to scale down the shadows (haven't learnt render passes properly so didn't want to risk using it). I was wondering why the shadow is still as big even though i moved back the use background.. turns out that it was the light. in the end, i move back the light and managed to get a good shadow at the back.

sent to renderfarm to render and wait for any feedback from fa for compositing. helped a bit in colour grading just by giving my opinions though. 

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