Tuesday, August 26, 2014

day 2 of filming

I did some tryout with mia material, blinn material and and tried to find dielectric material in maya (apparently I can't find(?)), so I did a few tests with whatever I have so far. 
mia material if i'm not wrong

changed the colour to white (it was blue at first)

different tests

 settings for the one on the left

 settings for the one in the middle

settings for the one on the right

So far, I think the 1st and 2nd one works out, for the CCTV lens. the 3rd one looks very plastic (which is the glassThin MIA material i think). That's what I have tried so far because now we're more focused in production. We promised our ixD peeps that we will help them with their media (footage/images that they will need for their website) so we did a mini photoshoot(?) for them.

After helping them with their stuff, we proceed to the filming inside the pantry. Went on into filming inside the pantry, then we finished up the shots in the corridor (we managed to use the reflector and reflect the lights to shine on the actress and stuff like that). Our last shot was the corridor scene where she picks up her phone and stuff, finally we finished filming.
There isn't much BTS shots (glam ones and nice ones) as we were rushing for time.

So now, Moni, Nurul (who wasn't feeling that well) are gonna take the best shots while Fa edits and Vanessa continue to model. As for me, I have to move onto texturing but I've got to help the IxD student by helping them colour grading their footage for their media side. Stayed back and also gave a few suggestions to the IxD peeps (Belda's side?) about their microsite, on perhaps making their gallery interesting, perhaps after watching finish one of the gallery videos, the grayscale image could turn into a coloured image? And in the end the whole gallery has a full coloured image, perhaps this might make the viewer/people visiting the page wanting to click on all of the videos in the gallery in order to see the final image? that was one of my suggestions.. or perhaps have some of the microsite transitions having glass shatter? Not sure if it will work/help in any way but I just give whatever suggestions that I have for them.

Helping Kin Lin's group with the media (colour grading).

Tomorrow I guess is finally post production day? Need to start on my texturing...

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